RidingGravelBen on September 26, 2015
Gravel Route
From E Noe Rd to S Mesa View Rd, Larkspur, Douglas County, Colorado
124 overlapping segments.
154.33 miles
5,230 ft minimum
7,270 ft maximum
5,735 ft gain
5,538 ft loss

100% gravel

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 Tommy Klinedinst
on May 23, 2022
I rode this route on 5/18 and found the turn off of County Rd 98 at 185km in blocked by a locked gate. I ended up bypassing it riding along 86 for a bit, but I'm not sure if this is a private road that was opened for a race or if I just somehow didn't see the correct turn. Conditions were good, lots of sand past Deer Trail but otherwise average sand and washboards. Recent rain helped for me.